The Property Tax Division of Maine Revenue Services presents two one-day workshops from Team Consulting: Unique & Challenging Homes; and Appraising After a Disaster or in Traumatic Events.
Dates: June 6-7, 2023 – Online – Cost: $100
Instructor: Kevin D. Hayes, MAI, CAE, RES, CFE
“Unique & Challenging Homes” deals with unique and challenging home appraisal problems and by use of
case studies and actual market data, steps the participants through the appraisal process of measuring value and/or value loss on such unique properties as tiny homes, container homes, straw bale homes and many more.
“Appraising After a Disaster or in Traumatic Events” will help you prepare for the aftermath of a disaster. This workshop will also provide some examples of traumatic events such as extreme growth or economic changes and some steps that an assessor can use to help make these extreme changes manageable.
Click here for registration information.